Rome Journal

Andrew moves to Italy. Hilarity ensues.

Friday, October 21, 2005

split infinitive

Here are some more random photos. First, here's me about to get medieval on somebody, I don't know who. (You can tell by the murderous gleam in my eye):

That was at the Museum of the City of Split. More exciting for me, in a geeking out kind of way, was the archaeological museum. It's a surprisingly good museum, well laid out, with a collection that's particularly strong on daily life sorts of things: a tessera used as a theater ticket, a little lamp shaped like a gladiator, makeup kits, tools, you name it. What I like about this sort of museum is that I always see something I've never seen before. In Palermo it was a cheese grater (looks pretty much like a modern cheese grater, only made out of bronze.) Here it was this thing:

This is a Roman branding iron, for branding livestock. (At least, I refuse to think about what else-- or who else-- it might have been used on. Ouch.) Evidently the owner's name was "Mut". (And no, I don't know where Jeff's ranch was.)

I'd never seen anything like this mosaic before. It shows a tombstone that reads "Here lies Aurelius Aurelianus, a most dutiful son. He lived for nine years."

This is the campanile of the cathedral, which is built into Diocletian's mausoleum. I'll bet that ol' Diocletus-- no friend of Christianity-- is spinning in his grave over this. (Well, he would be. Except that nobody knows what happened to his body...)

And this cat was hanging out in the imperial triclinium. He seemed pretty tough, though; maybe the emperor would approve.


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